conférence - organisation d'événements en ligne avec billetterie d'amiando




Note about videos and photos

Note that a camera crew will be filming during G21 Swisstainability Forum and that photographs will be taken that may be published on the web. You may be visible in some of these shots. These images are an essential way of sharing the impact and atmosphere of our event. By attending G21 Swisstainability Forum, you agree that we may publish these pictures and videos.




Event organized by

In collaboration with


Lausanne Nestlé Waters Losinger Marazzi Office fédéral du développement territorial ARE Direction du développement et de la coopération DDC Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV Promotion économique du Canton de Vaud

© NiceFuture


Logo & webdesign : bleu-vert communication

Solar powered web hosting : Horus